Eine Datscha für Ding, den sanften Krieger

Im Mai 2018 brach sich Ding Liren die Hüfte, als er während des Altibox-Turniers in Norwegen vom Fahrrad stürzte. Zwei Monate lang konnte er nicht Schach spielen und in den Monaten danach nur unter Schmerzen gehen. Dummerweise fiel die Schacholympiade 2018 in diese Monate danach. Die angeknackste Hüfte hat ihn nicht davon abgehalten, für seine … Eine Datscha für Ding, den sanften Krieger weiterlesen

Corona virus threatening the Candidates: Can Ding Liren and Wang Hao make it?

Two Chinese are among the eight players who are to determine Magnus Carlsen's challenger in Yekaterinburg (Russia) from mid-March to early April. But because of the spreading corona virus, Russia has recently closed its border with China, completely stopped the train traffic between the two countries and most of the air traffic. The issuance of … Corona virus threatening the Candidates: Can Ding Liren and Wang Hao make it? weiterlesen


Anish Giri: “I can see my way to the World Championship match.”

Anish Giri didn’t take the qualification for the Candidates Tournament by storm, on the contrary. If the rating spot hadn't opened up after Ding Liren reached the final of the World Cup, Anish Giri would be a mere spectator. Now he has set himself the only possible goal for a tournament in which one player … Anish Giri: “I can see my way to the World Championship match.” weiterlesen

Gata Kamsky: “I wonder if my life is repeating itself.”

As a twelve-year-old he defeated the former World Championship Candidate Mark Taimanov. That was in 1986, the onslaught of the prodigy from southwestern Siberia on the chess throne had begun. Ten years later he faced Anatoly Karpov in a match over 20 games. At stake was nothing less than the world title. Kamsky lost – … Gata Kamsky: “I wonder if my life is repeating itself.” weiterlesen