Der Druck aus der zweiten Reihe ist so stark, Rasmus Svane steht unter Zugzwang. Will er bei der Schacholympiade 2020 für Deutschland spielen, dann muss er jetzt liefern. Und das tut er. Einem starken Turnier in Barcelona ließ Svane ein bequemes Remis in der Bundesliga gegen MVL folgen. Jetzt sitzt er in Moskau beim Aeroflot-Open … Harry Svane, die Badewanne und ein Trick, den Daniel Fridman nicht kennt weiterlesen
Kategorie: Damenindisch
A missed chance to school a 2.700 GM – got schooled instead
GM Igor Kovalenko, rated with an Elo of 2.684 when this game was played, is the strongest OTB player in correspondence. He uses correspondence chess to test and sharpen his opening repertoire. Since results are secondary to him, he often doesn't squeeze the last bit out of slightly superior positions (as long as he maintains … A missed chance to school a 2.700 GM – got schooled instead weiterlesen
Screwing with the structure: how to max out an initiative
A novelty deep down the road in a doubleedged, somewhat shady line of the Queen's Indian, improving on a 2.700 GM's game. An instructive middlegame with a bunch of positional concepts and tactical motifs in play, pushing an initiative two pawns down. And finally breaking the stiff resistance in an endgame, in which White sacrifices … Screwing with the structure: how to max out an initiative weiterlesen
Channeling the inner AlphaZero
Positional dominance being a piece down. AlphaZero would approve of this game. Stockfish on its own couldn't have done it, but with a little help from its human friend and carefully guided to the (almost) winning position at move 17 it then channeled its inner AlphaZero in the most flashy way possible. Even a little piece … Channeling the inner AlphaZero weiterlesen