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Levon Aronian

Levon Aronians Verlobte Anita Ayvazyan über den Umzug in die USA, ihre Beziehung zu einem Schachprofi und ihre eigene Karriere:

"Ask me anything" mit Levon Aronian:


Levon Aronian im "C-Squared"-Podcast von Fabiano Caruana über seine Karriere. Gleich zu Beginn geht es um einen cheatenden Coach, der Aronians langjährigen Weggefährten Gabriel Sargissian um die Qualifikation für die Kinder-WM in Duisburg brachte.

Aserbaidschan blockiert die einzige Zufahrt, die Armenien mit der überwiegend von Armeniern bewohnten Kaukasusregion Berg-Karabach verbindet, den "Latschin Korridor". Levon Aronian fordert, die Blockade zu beenden. 120.000 Menschen seien faktisch abgeschnitten, Krankenhäuser unversorgt, Lebensmittel nicht verfügbar.

Auf Facebook schrieb Aronian:

"At this moment while the whole world is preparing for the winter holidays, 120 thousand of Armenians living in Nagorno Karabakh are already in a blockade for 10 days. They are facing existential threat from Azerbaijan who are using different illegal methods to block the only road connecting Stepanakert to Armenia.
Armenia had devastating losses during the 44 day war in 2020. The peace agreement signed between Armenia ,Azerbaijan and Russia specified that the road will remain open and will serve all countries in the region. Right now the Russian peacekeeping forces are being taunted by Azerbaijani “ecology activist” that block the road under different false premises.
While we see different organizations condemning this provocative actions by Azerbaijani officials , time is passing , the kids can’t come back home, hospitals are struggling with supplies and the food shortage is imminent.
I urge everyone in their power to help my homeland by spreading the message and finding ways to help the people in a great need."

Der Armenier Levon Aronian will nicht zum World Cup in Aserbaidschan reisen. Er fühle sich dort nicht sicher. Aber teilnehmen würde er gerne - und fragt öffentlich, ob das hybrid möglich ist.

"Billige Propagandashow", sagt der "Kaukasusspiegel":

Levon Aronian bei Ben Johnson:

Neue Podcast-Folge

Beschreibung der Folge

Perpetual Chess is back with a banger of a double episode. First up is chess superstar, GM Levon Aronian! Levon joined me from Spain after returning from the first season of the Global Chess League in Dubai. Levon reflected on the success of his championship-winning team, and we discussed why he thinks initiatives like this league are vital to the future health of chess. We then broadened the scope of our conversation, and Levon shared memorable stories about his humble beginnings and Armenia, and the lessons he had to learn when he shot to chess stardom in the mid 2000s. Lastly, Levon discusses his move to the U.S., his 2023 plans, and why he is not playing in the ongoing FIDE World Cup.

Following Lev, we are joined by Jagdish Mitra. Jagdish is Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Growth at Tech Mahindra, and served as Chairperson of the first season of The Global Chess League. Jagdish looked back on a successful first season, and discussed the ambitious plans and long term vision that the league has for upcoming years. Both interviews left me excited about the future of chess! You can find timestamps for all of the topics discussed below.


Thanks to our presenting chess education sponsors, Chessable. Here are some courses to check out:




You can check out some of my recommended courses here:


4:00- GM Levon Aronian joins me from a park in Spain! How was Levon added as a last-second replacement to the Global Chess League? What sort of things does he usually negotiate before signing a contract to participate in an event?


10:00- What was it like to be in Dubai for the Global Chess League?

15:30- How can new players be incorporated into future Global Chess Leagues?

17:30- What steps are necessary to continue to grow chess and attract corporate sponsors?


25:00- Levon’s scouting reports on Hikaru and Gukesh

26:30- Which young star is most likely to emerge as a world champion?

30:00- What was it like to play games for money to support his family as a kid?

36:00- Levon tells an amazing story of how Boris Gelfand taught him to treat chess professionally.

40:00- Why does Levon think chess has become increasingly professionalized?

41:30- Is Chess960 the solution to the over-abundance of opening theory?

Mentioned: GM Vladimir Kramnik, GM Boris Gelfand, GM Jan Timman

49:00- Is it true that Levon traveled in the cargo department of a plane to get to tournaments?


, GM Melik Khachiyan


: “What obstacles did Lev encounter in moving to the US?”

1:03:00- Will Levon write a book some day?

Mentioned: GM Surya Ganguly’s

1:08:30- What is Levon’s study routine?

1:09:00- Thanks to Levon for joining me!