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Königsindisch? Ukrainisch!

Neulich las Günther Beikert diese Zeilen von Garry Kasparow...

“In that first post-war year, full of hopes and expectations, the fresh wind of King’s Indian ideas burst into chess. The wind blew from the Ukraine, with its rich chess traditions – first from Kyiv, from where came Boleslavsky, Bronstein and their teacher Konstantinopolsky, a little later from Odessa, where Geller grew up, and then from Lviv, where Stein appeared… And it was not just a matter of the King’s Indian Defence and not simply a change of generations, but that the new masters appeared with quite different chess baggage, having assimilated and creatively processed the rich heritage of the past.”

...und ihm kam eine Idee: Warum nicht "Königsindisch" in "Ukrainisch" umbenennten? Treffend und passend wäre das allemal.


Hier schreibt Beikert ausführlich zu seinem Vorschlag: The Ukrainian Defense

“Der Welt eine spielbare Stellung erhalten”: Günther Beikert im Gespräch