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Deep Blue vs. Kasparov, die Wiedervereinigung

25 Jahre danach: Die Deep-Blue-Entwickler und Begleiter über ein Match, das das Schach erschütterte.

Die BBC über die Teilnehmer der Gesprächsrunde (darunter ChessBase-Mitgründer Frederic Friedel):

Kirsty Wark reunites the chess masters and AI pioneers who went into battle to test the limits of human and artificial intelligence - Frederic Friedel, advisor to Garry Kasparov; Malcolm Pein, Kasparov team member and IBM consultant; Murray Campbell, co-creator of Deep Blue; Joel Benjamin, IBM’s official grandmaster consultant; Maurice Ashley, Grandmaster, author and commentator, who covered the big match; and Steven Levy, Editor at Large at Wired Magazine, who scooped the front cover for Newsweek.
