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Schach-WM 2024 in Singapur

Die FIDE teilt mit:

The Singapore Chess Federation, supported by the Government of Singapore, has won the bid to host the FIDE World Championship Match 2024. The Match will feature the defending Champion Ding Liren from China and the Challenger Gukesh D from India and will take place between November 20 and December 15, 2024

FIDE received three competitive applications for hosting the World Championship Match - from New Delhi (India), Chennai (India), and Singapore. After reviewing the bids and inspecting all potential host cities for their venues, amenities, event programs, and opportunities, the International Chess Federation has selected Singapore as the host of the World Championship Match.

"We are delighted that for the first time in the history of FIDE, a match for the World Championship will take place in Singapore. Not only is Singapore one of the most iconic global tourist and business hubs, but it is also a thriving chess center with great ambitions and talent," FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich said.


"I would also like to thank the other bidders – New Delhi and Chennai. Both cities are renowned chess hubs with a rich history of hosting chess events, and we are confident we will see major chess events there in the future," Dvorkovich continued.

"FIDE is genuinely happy to bring the FIDE World Championship Match to Singapore. Chess is not just a popular game and sport; it is often seen as the epitome of the human mind's ability to think strategically, to plan, and to foresee. Singapore embodies these same qualities. It's a great match for the great Match!" FIDE CEO Emil Sutovsky said. 

"We also expect multinational companies to seize an opportunity and join forces with FIDE and Singapore to make this event truly exceptional," Sutovsky added.

Singapore's bid was submitted on May 31, 2024, and the inspection of the venues took place on June 11 and 12. Four possible venues are being considered for the Match, and the final decision on the exact location will be announced in due course.

The Match, which boasts a sensational prize fund of 2.5 million USD, is set to take place between November 20 and December 15, 2024.

About the FIDE World Championship Match

The FIDE World Championship Match is one of the most important and widely watched chess events globally. Held every two years, it features the defending World Champion and the Challenger, chosen through a qualification process culminating in the Candidates Tournament, which includes eight of the world's top players.

The defending Champion is Ding Liren, who won the title after defeating Ian Nepomniachtchi in Astana, Kazakhstan, in April 2023 on tiebreaks. The Challenger is the 18-year-old Gukesh D from India, who won the Candidates Tournament in April 2024 in Toronto.

The World Championship Match will consist of 14 games. The player who scores 7.5 points or more wins the Match, and no further games are played. If the score is equal after 14 games, the winner is decided by a tiebreak.

Zusammenfassung (AI): 

  • Fide president Arkady Dvorkovich:

    • “We are delighted that for the first time in the history of Fide, a match for the World Championship will take place in Singapore. Not only is Singapore one of the most iconic global tourist and business hubs, but it is also a thriving chess centre with great ambitions and talent.”
  • Sport Singapore’s chief of industry development, technology and innovation, Roy Teo:

    • “Having the apex of chess tournaments in Singapore is testament to our strategy to feature a variety of sport events in our calendar.”
  • Singapore grandmaster Tin Jingyao:

    • “For the event to be out here, it’s great for local chess and it’s great work done on the part of the federation and Singapore to secure the World Chess Championship.”
  • Singapore grandmaster Tin Jingyao:

    • “For many chess players here, it will be something really special. Because in Singapore, we barely even have any events for chess, let alone huge events like this. So unless you’re a serious chess player and you get to travel overseas for competitions, otherwise, most chess players and fans here have never really been to an international chess event before.”
  • Singapore Chess Federation chief executive officer Kevin Goh:

    • “In many ways, Singapore is the ideal location for this match, with our accessibility to chess fans from both countries and our extensive experience in hosting world-class sporting and cultural events.”
  • Local chess fan Joshua Lim:

    • “I am thrilled that Singapore has been chosen to host the World Chess Championship, this is a significant milestone for our country and the chess community here. We’ve seen a remarkable increase in interest and participation, and this event will undoubtedly serve as a catalyst to further promote the game.”

Sutovskys Kernaussagen (AI-generiert):

Emil Sutovsky sprach in einem Interview über die Entscheidung, das Schach-Weltmeisterschaftsmatch 2024 in Singapur abzuhalten. Hier sind die wichtigsten Punkte mit Timestamps zusammengefasst:

Entscheidungsprozess und Auswahl des Spielorts (00:01-02:13): Sutovsky betonte, dass der Bieterprozess spannend und anspruchsvoll war, da alle drei Bewerbungen stark waren. FIDE führte Inspektionen an allen Bewerbungsorten durch und berücksichtigte viele Parameter. Letztlich entschied man sich für Singapur aufgrund seiner neutralen Position und der starken Unterstützung durch die Singapore Chess Federation und Sport Singapore.

Planungen und Erwartungen (02:13-06:53): Die Vorbereitungen haben bereits begonnen, und viele Details müssen geklärt werden. Geplant sind neben dem Hauptturnier auch Jugend- und Juniorenturniere, Vorträge von Spitzenspielern und eine Fan-Zone, um das Erlebnis für die Zuschauer vor Ort zu bereichern. Es sollen spezielle Pakete für Besucher angeboten werden, um die hohen Hotelpreise in Singapur abzumildern und ein umfassendes Erlebnis zu bieten.

Übertragungsqualität und Innovationen (06:53-10:03): Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Qualität der Übertragung. Sutovsky sprach über verschiedene Möglichkeiten, die Übertragung zu verbessern, einschließlich der Nutzung von Green-Screen-Technologie und neuer Grafikmethoden. Die genauen Pläne hängen jedoch von den Gegebenheiten am Veranstaltungsort ab.

Bedeutung für die Region und Zusammenarbeit mit Indien (10:03-12:49): Die Entscheidung, das Match in Singapur abzuhalten, soll das Interesse am Schach in Südostasien fördern. Sutovsky erinnerte daran, dass die Region seit den 1990er Jahren keine großen Schachereignisse mehr ausgerichtet hat. Gleichzeitig betonte er die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit mit Indien. Obwohl Indien die Bewerbung nicht gewonnen hat, gibt es Pläne, in Zukunft große Veranstaltungen in Indien auszurichten.

Feedback der Spieler (12:49-13:55): Bezüglich der Spieler sagte Sutovsky, dass der aktuelle Weltmeister Ding Liren Singapur als Austragungsort bevorzugt. Gukesh Dommaraju, der jüngste Herausforderer in der Geschichte, wurde nicht direkt befragt, aber Sutovsky spekulierte, dass das Spielen im eigenen Land oft zusätzlichen Druck bedeutet.

Zukünftige Entwicklungen (13:55-17:59): Sutovsky betonte, dass FIDE bestrebt ist, die Qualität und Anzahl der Schachturniere weltweit zu erhöhen. Die Schachwelt erlebt weiterhin einen Aufschwung, und FIDE sieht sich in einer starken Position, um diesen Trend fortzusetzen und das Schach weltweit zu fördern.