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Manager of Curriculum and Instruction (New York)

Manager of Curriculum and Instruction

Reporting Relationships: This position reports to Chess in the Schools President and CEO and Director of School Programs.

Interested candidates should send a resume and cover letter by August 12, 2024 to

Responsible for assisting the Director of School Programs in the leadership, management, implementation, and assessment of the School Program and TTI.

Work schedule: Monday – Friday, except on holidays and weekends with scheduled CIS events

School Program


  • Teach in at least one school, weekly, during the school year. Substitute teaching in classes for other instructors, as needed.
  • Teaching duties include:
  • Preparing and presenting curriculum lessons
  • Taking attendance and adding it to our databases
  • Providing assessment activities
  • Being well-versed in social-emotional teaching and learning

Instructor Management and Professional Learning

  • Assist with hiring and training Instructors for in-person and remote teaching
  • Create/update job descriptions for instructors
  • Assign school schedules to instructors at the beginning of each school year
  • Help organize a week of professional development for instructors at the end of August in preparation for each new school year (August Blast Off)
  • Organize training and professional development for CIS Instructors including, but not limited to: establishing a calendar for instructor learning experiences; mentoring and modeling pedagogical techniques at school sites; designing/co-designing formal professional learning sessions at CIS offices or remotely.
  • Manage Instructor performance reviews (initial-mid-and end-of-year) using documentation from classroom visits, feedback from school-based/CIS office-based colleagues,
  • Visit all schools each year (struggling schools will require additional visits)

Curriculum Design, Revision, Implementation, and Evaluation

  • Reflect on curriculum in collaboration with instructors, revise curriculum based on needs of children, trends in education, feedback from schools, etc. Curriculum at CIS currently includes:
  • Teaching materials for both in-person and online learning.
  • Student assessments and surveys for evaluation

Program Management and Reporting

  • Work with outside contractors and partners
  • Monitor Summer Camps
  • Help produce monthly, mid-year and EOY reports for program
  • Develop working relationships and improve communications with Instructors, Chess coordinators and Principals
  • Innovate and monitor new programs
  • Make connections and gain contact information with other after school providers/programs that operate in our schools

TTI Program

  • Recruit teachers, including Chess in the Schools Program schools, to participate in Teacher Training Institute workshops.
  • Organize and deliver TTI chess workshops at schools, offices and other locations, including remote events.
  • Develop, manage, and maintain schedule and calendar for TTI.
  • Contribute to the innovation and design of teacher training programs should TTI be reimagined or expanded (grant-dependent)

College Bound Program

  • Support College Bound by chaperoning or facilitating occasional activities or tournaments.

Tournament Program

  • Attend and support staff at tournaments, as needed.


  • Provide Development monthly reports and information as scheduled and/or requested.
  • Undertake and discharge other duties assigned by CIS
  • Report to CIS operational, personnel or other issues which may adversely impact on Program and goals

*This is a nonexclusive list and is not intended to limit the Manager of Curriculum and Instructor's overall responsibility for successful operation of the Program.

Basic Requirements

  • Bachelor's Degree
  • 3-5 years of experience in K-12 classrooms, camps, or other informal learning environments.
  • Can provide examples of experience designing and facilitating professional learning for teachers or other professionals
  • Intermediate-level knowledge of chess
  • Familiarity with school settings
  • Excellent communicator
  • Exceptional at building relationships and leading teams
  • Strong project manager who is both organized and an eloquent writer

Nice-to-Have Requirements

  • Teaching license in NYS or elsewhere
  • Degree in Education and/or Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics
  • Competitive Chess player with familiarity of Tournament Directing and/or US Chess Rated
  • Drivers license
  • Fluency in Spanish or Chinese