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Global Chess League in London

3. bis 12. Oktober, Rundenbeginn jeweils 14 Uhr.

Livepartien, Ergebnisse, Tabelle

Hier stand es schon vor acht Tagen, jetzt gibt es eine offizielle Ankündigung: Die Global Chess Tour macht in London Station.


Zweite Ausgabe der Tech Mahindra Global Chess League findet in London statt


London, 27. Juni 2024: Die Global Chess League, eine gemeinsame Initiative des Internationalen Schachverbands (FIDE) und Tech Mahindra, einem weltweit führenden Anbieter von Technologieberatung und digitalen Lösungen für Unternehmen aller Branchen, wird in London ihre mit Spannung erwartete zweite Auflage erleben. Nach dem Erfolg der ersten Ausgabe zielt die Liga darauf ab, die besten Schachspieler der Welt in einer der geschichtsträchtigsten Städte zu vereinen.

Die einzigartige Schachliga mit internationalen Top-Spielern wird vom 3. bis 12. Oktober 2024 im Friends House im Herzen von London stattfinden. Aufgrund des Feedbacks von Fans aus aller Welt wurde London als Austragungsort für diese Saison ausgewählt, um mit der schnell wachsenden Fangemeinde und dem Enthusiasmus für Schach in der europäischen Region in Verbindung zu treten.

Arkady Dvorkovich, FIDE-Präsident, sagte: "Nach der fantastischen Resonanz auf die erste Saison freuen wir uns, unsere Mission fortzusetzen, die Reichweite des Schachs weltweit zu vergrößern und neue Erfahrungen für Schachfans zu schaffen. Das Engagement von Tech Mahindra, eine neue Ära im modernen Schach-Ökosystem einzuläuten, ist bemerkenswert, und wir sind zuversichtlich, dass die zweite Ausgabe der Liga die richtige Plattform und den nötigen Schub bieten wird, um den Sport weiter voranzubringen.“

Mit dieser innovativen Liga wollen die FIDE und Tech Mahindra das Schacherlebnis für die Fans durch ein neues Format und Ökosystem revolutionieren und den Fans eine Plattform bieten, auf der sie ihre Lieblingsteams und -stars unterstützen können, ähnlich wie in großen globalen Sportligen. Bei der zweiten Ausgabe werden Top-Spieler aus der ganzen Welt, darunter amtierende Weltmeister und aufstrebende Stars, in einem einzigartigen Teamformat gegeneinander antreten, bei dem Strategie, Zusammenarbeit und Spiel mit hohem Einsatz im Vordergrund stehen.

Mohit Joshi, Chief Executive Officer und Managing Director, Tech Mahindra, sagte, "Schach und Wirtschaft teilen wichtige Werte wie Planung, Geschwindigkeit, Strategie und Risikomanagement. Der Einzug der Technologie eröffnet aufregende neue Möglichkeiten und verändert beide Bereiche. Die zweite Ausgabe der Global Chess League schafft eine einzigartige Plattform für das globale Wachstum des Schachs.“

Aufbauend auf dem Erfolg der ersten Saison will die Liga durch Live-Übertragungen, interaktive Fan-Erlebnisse und Aktivitäten zum Engagement in der Gemeinschaft, wie die in Kürze startende Global Chess League Trophy Tour, die Zahl der Zuschauer weiter erhöhen. Im Turnier werden die Spieler in einem einzigartigen gemeinsamen Teamformat antreten, das aus sechs Spielern besteht, darunter zwei Top-Schachspielerinnen und ein Wunderkind pro Team. Jedes Team wird insgesamt 10 Partien in einem Doppelrundensystem spielen, wobei der Sieger jeder Partie in einem Best-of-Six-System ermittelt wird.

Peeyush Dubey, Chairperson, Global Chess League Board, said, "Wir werden auch weiterhin das innovative Format der Global Chess League und die Technologien der nächsten Generation nutzen, um die Fans weltweit zu fesseln und zu begeistern. Die zweite Ausgabe stößt bei unseren Partnern und Stakeholdern auf eine ungeahnte Begeisterung. Gemeinsam mit der FIDE ist es unsere Vision für die Liga, das Beste aus der Schachwelt zusammenzubringen.

In der zweiten Saison werden die FIDE und Tech Mahindra zusammenarbeiten, um die wachsende Schachfangemeinde zu erschließen, ein größeres Publikum für das Schachspiel zu gewinnen und sich an spannenden Fan-Aktivitäten zu beteiligen, wie z. B. dem laufenden allumfassenden Hackathon. Der Hackathon richtet sich an Teilnehmer aller Spielstärken und technischen Kenntnisse und sammelt Ideen zur Verbesserung der Art und Weise, wie Schach erlebt, gespielt und konsumiert wird. Die Teilnehmer können Ideen in verschiedenen Kategorien vorschlagen, unter anderem in den Bereichen Bildung, digitale Innovation, soziale Auswirkungen, Wirtschaft und Kunst.

About FIDE

Der Internationale Schachverband (FIDE) ist der Dachverband des Schachsports und regelt alle internationalen Schachwettbewerbe. Er wurde als nichtstaatliche Institution gegründet und 1999 vom Internationalen Olympischen Komitee als globale Sportorganisation anerkannt.

Der Hauptsitz des FIDE befindet sich derzeit in Lausanne, aber ursprünglich wurde er 1924 in Paris unter dem Motto "Gens una Sumus" (Lateinisch für "Wir sind eine Familie") gegründet. Es war einer der allerersten internationalen Sportverbände neben den Dachverbänden der Sportarten Fußball, Kricket, Schwimmen und Autorennen. 

Heute ist er einer der größten Verbände, dem 201 Länder in Form von nationalen Schachverbänden angehören. Schach ist heute ein wahrhaft globaler Sport mit Dutzenden von Millionen von Spielern auf allen Kontinenten und durchschnittlich mehr als 60 Millionen Partien pro Tag.

Weitere Informationen:


Über Tech Mahindra

Tech Mahindra (NSE: TECHM) bietet branchenübergreifend Technologieberatung und digitale Lösungen für globale Unternehmen an und ermöglicht so eine Transformation in beispiellosem Tempo. Mit mehr als 145.000 Fachleuten in mehr als 90 Ländern, die mehr als 1100 Kunden unterstützen, bietet Tech Mahindra ein umfassendes Spektrum an Dienstleistungen an, darunter Beratung, Informationstechnologie, Unternehmensanwendungen, Geschäftsprozessdienstleistungen, technische Dienstleistungen, Netzwerkdienstleistungen, Kundenerfahrung und Designdienstleistungen, KI und Analytik sowie Cloud- und Infrastrukturdienstleistungen. Tech Mahindra ist das erste indische Unternehmen weltweit, das von der Sustainable Markets Initiative mit dem Terra Carta-Siegel ausgezeichnet wurde, in Anerkennung seiner aktiven Vorreiterrolle bei der Schaffung einer klima- und naturfreundlichen Zukunft. Tech Mahindra ist Teil der 1945 gegründeten Mahindra Group, einem der größten und angesehensten multinationalen Unternehmensverbände. Weitere Informationen darüber, wie TechM mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten kann, um Ihre Anforderungen an Größe und Geschwindigkeit zu erfüllen, finden Sie unter 

Für weitere Informationen über Tech Mahindra wenden Sie sich bitte an: Abhilasha Gupta, Leiterin - Global Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Tech Mahindra


Über Tech Mahindra Global Chess League

The Global Chess League ist die weltweit erste und größte offizielle Franchise-Liga ihrer Art, in der Schachspieler aus der ganzen Welt in einem einzigartigen gemeinsamen Teamformat gegeneinander antreten. Es ist ein Joint Venture zwischen Tech Mahindra, einem Teil der Mahindra-Gruppe, und FIDE. In der Liga spielen männliche und weibliche Schachmeister gemeinsam in einem Team. Die gemeinsamen Männer- und Frauenteams der Liga, die nach dem beliebten Rapid-Format spielen, haben den seltenen Vorzug, ein einzigartiges Mehrspieler-Team in der Welt des Profisports zu sein. Darüber hinaus ist die Liga ein einzigartiges, live im Fernsehen übertragenes Schachereignis, das den Fans ein einmaliges Seherlebnis bietet. Tech Mahindra und FIDE werden innovative Wege erkunden, um das Spiel durch interaktive technologiegestützte Plattformen zu fördern, indem sie unter anderem Technologien der nächsten Generation wie 5G, künstliche Intelligenz und virtuelle Realität nutzen.

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Global Chess League Unveils Six Franchises for its Second Season in London

The Global Chess League, a joint venture between Tech Mahindra and FIDE, today unveiled the six franchises for the most-anticipated second season to be held in London from 3rd to 12th October at the Friends House.

The six franchises competing in the second season includes Alpine SG Pipers owned by APL Apollo-led SG Sports, Ganges Grandmasters owned by Insurekot Sports, Mumba Masters owned by Ronnie Screwvala led Unilazer VenturesPBG Alaskan Knights owned by Punit Balan Group, and the inaugural season champions Triveni Continental Kings owned by Triveni Engineering & Industries Limited.

The second season will also see the debut of a new team, American Gambits, owned by prominent business leaders Prachura PPVenkat K. Narayana, and Indian Cricket Icon and Chess Enthusiast Ravichandran Ashwin.

Sameer Pathak, CEO, Global Chess League, said, “We are thrilled to welcome the teams for the second season of the Global Chess League. We have found the right partners to strengthen the league’s global reach and look forward to bringing an exciting season of chess to fans worldwide. The teams made season one a huge success and we believe that their impact and popularity will continue to expand in the world of chess.”

The players will compete in a unique joint team format consisting of six players, including two top women chess players and a prodigy player per team. Adding to the excitement and anticipation among fans, this innovative format will be aired on major OTT and broadcast platforms worldwide.

American Gambits, owned by prominent business leaders Prachura PPVenkat K. Narayana, and Indian Cricket Icon and chess enthusiast Ravichandran Ashwin, will set a new precedence in the sport by joining the first-of-its-kind innovative league.

Prachura PP, said, “The Global Chess League is the most exciting league to emerge in the world of chess where topmost players worldwide battle for their teams. For a sport played in over 190 countries, and one that has no age or gender bar, owning a franchise is a wonderful opportunity.”

Co-owner and Indian Cricket Icon, R Ashwin, added, “We're thrilled to introduce the American Gambits to the chess world. With a blend of strategic brilliance and unwavering determination, our team aims to redefine the game. As co-owner, I'm excited to witness their journey and contribute to their success.”

SG Sports, returns for the second season with a re-energized and rebranded team, Alpine SG Pipers.

Rohan Gupta, Director, SG Sports & Entertainment, said, “The success of the first season has brought a new level of excitement among chess lovers worldwide. We are elated to be associated with the Global Chess League and eagerly await the players draft that will further shape our ambition to do well in the second season.”

The next in the illustrious list is Ganges Grandmasters team owned by the leading sporting house, Insurekot Sports (ISPL), which also owns Puneri Pultan in Pro Kabaddi League and Ultimate Table Tennis League.

Kailash Kandpal, CEO, Insurekot Sports Private Limited, said, “We witnessed the potential that chess has globally through the success of the first season. As a franchise, we are committed to popularizing the sport globally and look forward to a brand new season in London.”

The finalists of the first season, Mumba Masters, owned by Ronnie Screwvala led Unilazer Ventures aims to continue their sporting successes in Chess, Kabaddi, Table Tennis, and eSports in India.

Suhail Chandhok, CEO, U Mumba & Mumba Masters, said, “The first season of the Global Chess League was an incredible experience for us as we dived into the world of chess. We came agonisingly short of being crowned as the inaugural Champions, but the journey with our wonderful group of players was memorable and we look forward to more of the same this season. We anticipate an exciting player draft next month, but hopefully we won’t have too much work to do at the draft given the setup we’ve been fortunate to build on.”

PBG Alaskan Knights, owned by sports entrepreneur and businessman Punit Balan, will make its comeback in the second season with high expectations. Backed by Punit Balan Group, the team intends to deploy experience of owning league winning teams in other sports as well. 

Punit Balan, Owner of PBG Alaskan Knights, said, “As a sporting brand, we envision to champion the growth of chess ecosystem worldwide. We are very thrilled with how the Global Chess League has shaped up since its first season. We are confident that the league will only grow to get more exciting this season in London.”

Triveni Continental Kings, owned by Triveni Sports Private Limited, emerged as the champions of the inaugural season, and look forward to continuing their leadership and retaining the title in the second season.

Dhruv Sawhney, Owner of the Triveni Continental Kings, said, Chess is the epitome of strategic thinking, which resonates perfectly with Triveni Group’s core values. I have had a long association with chess in India and I am happy that our team won the trophy in season 1 of the Global Chess League which was an incredible experience. With season 2 in London, we look forward to defending our title. I hope the league grows to its full potential and that chess fans hail this as the ultimate tournament.”

In the tournament, each team will play a total of 10 matches in a double round-robin format, with the winner of each match being decided in a best-of-six board scoring system. Each team will play ten matches across black and white pieces. The teams will play five matches, with all six players in each team initially playing with the white or black pieces against their opponents, followed by a reverse round in which the entire team will play five matches with the reversed colour pieces against the same opponent. The winning team for every match will be determined by the points aggregated from wins and draws across all six games played in the match. The top two teams will advance to the final round.



About Tech Mahindra Global Chess League

The Global Chess League is the world's first and largest official franchise league of its kind, with chess players from all over the world competing in a unique joint team format. It is a joint venture between Tech Mahindra, a part of the Mahindra Group, and FIDE. The league will feature male and female chess champions competing in the same team. Playing on the popular rapid format, the league's joint male-female teams will have the rare distinction of being a unique multiplayer team in the world of professional sports. In addition, the league is a one-of-its-kind live televised chess event offering fans a unique viewing experience. Tech Mahindra and FIDE will explore innovative ways to promote the game through interactive technology-enabled platforms by leveraging next-generation technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, among others.

For more information on Tech Mahindra Global Chess League, please visit:

Top Grandmasters Praggnanandhaa, Nodirbeck, Arjun named among Superstar Men for Tech Mahindra Global Chess League Season 2

Unprecedented Showdown: Global Chess League Unveils Superstar Men Players

London, 1st August 2024:
 The Global Chess League, a joint venture between  FIDE and Tech Mahindra, today announced its star-studded list of men players for the second season, scheduled to be held from 3rd to 12th October at Friends House in London.

Joining the ranks of Magnus CarlsenHikaru Nakamura, and Viswanathan Anand in the second season are returning Superstars, including World No. 4 Arjun Erigaisi, World No. 6 Nodirbek Abdusattorov, World No. 8 Praggnanandhaa R, and World No. 10 Wei Yi. Praggnanandhaa R, who stole the limelight in the prodigy round of the first season and was awarded Player of the Tournament for his exceptional performance, will compete in the Superstar men's category.

Making the competition even more compelling, Vidit Gujrathi, Jan-Krzysztof Duda, Richárd Rapport, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Teimour Radjabov, Alexander Grischuk, Parham Maghsoodloo, and Vladislav Artemiev will also be a part of the 12-member list of Superstar men players for the second season.

Praggnanandhaa R, who has had a memorable year in the world of chess, said, “I am thrilled to be back for the second season of the Global Chess League. The inaugural season was a remarkable learning experience as I got to play alongside Magnus Carlsen and other top players. I am looking forward to an exciting season with my team in this unique televised chess event. I am sure chess fans will be captivated by this exciting team chess format.”

Former FIDE World Rapid Champion, Nodirbek Abdusattorov, added, “The roster of players is incredibly strong, and the format challenges players and teams alike. I am looking forward to another memorable outing with my team in the Global Chess League.”

Sameer Pathak, CEO of the Global Chess League, said, “We are delighted to announce the list of Superstar men players for the upcoming season. These elite players are poised to deliver thrilling and unforgettable games for their teams in the league’s innovative format that incentivizes risk-taking. We are confident that these players will deliver a remarkable chess spectacle in London.”

The first-of-its-kind franchise-based league features a total of six teams consisting of six players - one Icon player, two Superstar male players, two Superstar female players, and one prodigy in each team. In the tournament, each team will play a total of 10 matches in a double round-robin format, with the winner of each match being decided in a best-of-six board scoring system.

About Tech Mahindra Global Chess League

The Global Chess League is the world's first and largest official franchise league of its kind, with chess players from all over the world competing in a unique joint team format. It is a joint venture between Tech Mahindra, a part of the Mahindra Group, and FIDE. The league will feature male and female chess champions competing in the same team. Playing on the popular rapid format, the league's joint male-female teams will have the rare distinction of being a unique multiplayer team in the world of professional sports. In addition, the league is a one-of-its-kind live televised chess event offering fans a unique viewing experience. Tech Mahindra and FIDE will explore innovative ways to promote the game through interactive technology-enabled platforms by leveraging next-generation technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, among others. For more information on Tech Mahindra Global Chess League, please visit:

Global Chess League to be broadcast globally from London

London, UK | The first wave of international broadcasters for the highly anticipated second season of the Global Chess League have been announced. Following the success of Season 1, which captivated tens of millions of viewers across 150+ countries, Season 2 is set to be even bigger, taking place from 3-12 October 2024, at the historic Friends House in London, UK.


Protocol Sports Marketing, the exclusive worldwide media rights distributor for the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League has already secured an impressive list of top-tier broadcasters to bring Season 2 to a global audience.


This year’s line-up includes several returning broadcasters such as DAZN (global), Saudi Sports Channel (MENA), Fox Sports (Australia), BILD/WELT (Germany), Sportklub (Balkans), Verdens Gang (Norway), Sport TV (Slovenia), and S Sport (Turkey), as well as new broadcasters including HTV Sports (Vietnam), NSports (Brazil), SABC (South Africa), TAPMAD (Pakistan), SportsMax (Caribbean), along with additional broadcasters to be announced shortly.

The second season of Global Chess League promises to offer an unparalleled experience, with global stars, including top-ranked men’s and women’s players Magnus Carlsen and Hou Yifan, competing in the world’s first and largest official franchise chess league - the only league in pro sports with a joint team format where men and women play side-by-side in the same team. The league’s exciting rapid chess format redefines how the game is played and, coupled with the use of interactive technology-enabled platforms such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, Season 2 promises to expand the global reach of the game, bringing it to millions of fans around the world.

Sameer Pathak, CEO of Global Chess League, said: "The overwhelming success of our inaugural season, viewed by millions of fans worldwide, demonstrated that chess can be a thrilling and globally engaging spectator sport. With Season 2 featuring more star players and expanded coverage, we are confident that Global Chess League will continue to elevate the profile of chess internationally, attracting millions of new fans to the excitement."

Lowell Conn, President of Protocol Sports Marketing, added: "We are proud to build on the success of last year's historic debut as the exclusive media rights distributor for Global Chess League. By partnering with world-class broadcasters, we are ensuring even greater visibility for the league this year. Our mission remains to grow chess as a premier international sport, and this season will be a major milestone in introducing this innovative competition to new audiences."

Global Chess League Season 2 is on track to become a landmark event in the world of chess and sports broadcasting, with more broadcasters and partnerships to be revealed soon.
